An Evangelical, Spirit-filled Anglican Church
It is about Prayer - intimate conversation with the Lord - coming before Him personally and corporately to listen to His voice, to pour forth our hearts to Him, and to intercede and present our supplications.
Three Streams Mission is about DEEP CHURCH.
It is about Embracing the ancient and unchanging faith of the universal, apostolic Church
It is about The Knowing -Knowing God and being known by God. It is about truly knowing each other as brothers and sisters. Coming to know who we are in Him.
It is about The Presence. Crossing over through the "thin places" where the Kingdom of Heaven is near to dwell in His glory and explore His infinite goodness and love.
It is about The Word of Life - the Logos of God, being unashamed to proclaim the inerrancy of His written word - the Bible; Being hearers of the Rhema quickening of that Word through prophetic gifts.
Address: 105C Hunt Street, Greer, SC 29650 (near Truist Bank and Popeyes)
Contact: 864-230-1724 bob@threestreamsmission .org
Located in Greer, SC.
(105C Hunt Street)
A mission parish of the Anglican Church of Tanzania - Diocese of Biharamulo
It is about Transfiguration -The renewing of the mind and sanctification - consecration to lives of holiness and becoming authentic disciples of Christ.
It is about Communion with Him in the Breaking of the Bread and sharing the Cup of Salvation